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We have been serving the community for 26 years!

DJ İş Başında

Welcome to the New Term Party

The Welcome to the New Term Party, a tradition we have upheld for over ten years, occurs every September. Over the years, it has taken on various themes. The goal is to celebrate the start of the term, foster new friendships, and strengthen existing ones.

Elma Åžekeri

Notice the Green!

We organized a digital awareness-raising event to shed light on Cerebral Palsy. As part of the project, our goal is to bring attention to Cerebral Palsy by sharing photos of ourselves wearing green on October 6th, reaching a wider audience.

Türk Bayrağı Sallayan İnsanlar

Red & White

In our project, ongoing for over ten years to celebrate the Republic and raise awareness, dated October 29, we distribute flags and provide explanations about the Republic to children.

Yeni yıl

May This Day Never End

For the past ten years, we have been organizing an event to celebrate the new year with mentally or physically disabled individuals. The aim is to provide them with an unforgettable day.

Balloon Fairies

The purpose of the project is to assist children facing financial difficulties. During the project, we visit a chosen school and spend time with the children. We inquire about their most desired items and take notes. Subsequently, we fulfill the children's requests through donation campaigns we organize, delivering the items to them on April 23rd.


Wine & Cheese Night

With our event aimed at bringing Rotaracts and Rotarians together, we also collect donations for our activities. The Wine and Cheese Night, organized for 15 years, stands as one of our oldest events.

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